Australian War Stories

A collaboration between Mediality and leading family memorial platform

Australian War Stories adds a new dimension for descendants – and the nation – to honour the original ANZACs and reflect on the spirit of mateship, courage and resilience.

The website enables descendants to search for a family member and receive a free online memorial of their wartime journey: from enlistment to training, embarkation and beyond.

A link to the online memorial is delivered free-of-charge by email and SMS. Links can be easily shared and posted to social media.

Each memorial contains historically accurate details on enlistment, embarkation and military units sourced from records held at the National Archives of Australia and the Australian War Memorial.

An estimated 5 million Australians* have a relative who served overseas during the First World War. Many more will wish to honour a local ANZAC hero by registering their details to receive and share an online memorial.

Their story is our story.

*Source: ABS census data and AWM embarkation records.

Q. Can I search for more than one ANZAC?
A. Yes, you can register multiple times and search for a different ANZAC each time. There is no limit to the number of times you can register under the same name/number/email and search.

Q. I don’t have a family member who served overseas during the First World World War – can I still use Australian War Stories?
A. Yes! You can search for the name of any ANZAC who embarked overseas during the First World War. Many Australians today have no direct family connection, but you can still pay tribute to an ANZAC veteran from your community by doing some online research or visiting your local war memorial, selecting a name and discovering their journey on Australian War Stories.

Q. Is Australian War Stories on social media?
A. Yes, the tag is #auswarstories. You can check us out on Facebook and Instagram.

Q. Where can I find out more about an ANZAC?
A. Australian War Stories provides both specific and general information about an ANZAC’s journey. This has been sourced from original war service and embarkation records, such as the Attestation Paper which is included in the memorials. Digitised service records are available online from the National Archives of Australia.