file delivery.
Mediality businesses are standarising file transfer – supply and delivery – of your files via FTP services. This includes PDFs, XML files and other file formats.
Check with your account contact if you are unsure how you are currently transferring files.
From early 2025 our FTP file delivery service will change
Our new service is built with security and reliability in mind. Some users may need to change the way they currently access and download files.
- Only secure SFTP or FTPS protocols will be available
- Your existing username will stay, but you will need a new password
- Transfer of your files can be done using easily obtainable FTP software (web access not supported).
To make sure you’re kept informed of upcoming changes, please complete this Google form to ensure we have your contact details and typical usage.
New file delivery 2025: Frequently asked questions
What are the main changes with the new FTP service?
Users will need new credentials (including new password) to sign in to our FTP service, to download or deliver files. We will send new credentials prior to the transition, so please make sure we have your contact details via the form linked above.
The new service does not include a website to browse and download files. If you have been using the website in the past, you will need FTP client software (or FTP-capable scripting). See below for more info.
You will only be able to connect over secure protocols, SFTP or FTPS. Plain unsecured FTP will not be available.
Will there be a deadline for changes?
The deadline for switching to the new service is currently scheduled for mid March 2025. During the transition phase you will be asked to use new credentials to connect and download or deliver files, via your choice of FTP client software.
RECOMMENDED: If you have been using the website for file download, you can start your transition preparation at any time by choosing software (below) for use with our existing FTP service – see last section this page for settings.
Prior to the deadline we will have a transition period for customers. You will use your new credentials (username and new password) and be connecting via the new file delivery service, but your available files will remain the same.
What software will I need?
NB: Mediality makes no recommendations regarding the choice of client software. There are many resources on the internet regarding choice of software.
If you have previously signed in on our website to browse and download files, you will instead need software on your computer. The software must connect using either SFTP or FTPS secure protocol.
Software commonly used by our customers includes:
- Cyberduck: free software (or donation) for Windows, macOS
- FileZilla: free or paid versions available for Windows, macOS, Linux
- ForkLift: paid software for macOS
- SmartFTP: free software for Windows
- Transmit: paid software for macOS
- WinSCP: free software (or donation) for Windows
Or for those using command-line scripting:
- wget/curl: ubiquitous command-line tools available for all platforms
- various language-specific libraries are available.
For a more complete list of software options you can review Comparison of FTP client software on Wikipedia, or contact your own technical support resource.
If you are using automated scripting to retrieve files with secure protocol (SFTP/FTPS), the only thing you will need to change is your login details, and for SFTP you may need to accept the certificate on the first connection to the new service.
What connection settings should I use with the new file delivery service?
You will need to connect using either SFTP or FTPS protocol.
- Using SFTP: Use Password with no SSH key. Connections operate over Port 22.
- Using FTPS: Select Explicit mode. Connections operate over Port 21.
- Server address: (replaces previous,,
NB: Files available should be the same during the transition period, regardless of which service you connect to.